Make a donation
The Fondation Collège Bourget
The legacy gift

An accessible option
By making a gift in your will, you are supporting the Fondation Collège Bourget and the students of Collège Bourget in the long term. In this way, you can keep the values of rigor and integral training of Collège Bourget alive for future generations of young people who will follow in your footsteps towards excellence and who will develop skills that will have a lasting influence on our society.
What are the advantages?
You pay no money during your lifetime. Your only financial commitment is for the notarized amendment or updating of your will.
You have the satisfaction of making an immediate and lasting contribution to the pursuit of the mission of Collège Bourget through its Foundation. As a result, you will have a great impact on the generations of students who will follow you.
Your estate will receive a tax receipt for your donation. It will therefore be able to write off a portion of the taxes that accompany the transfer of assets to Quebec.
You always retain control of your estate.
The different forms of testamentary gifts
Gifts in a will can take many forms. We encourage you to contact a notary, a tax specialist and your financial planner to choose the option that best suits your personal and financial situation.

Offer a specific bequest
Donate a specific amount and/or publicly traded stocks.
Designate the foundation COLLÈGE BOURGET as beneficiary
Designate the Fondation Collège Bourget as the primary or secondary beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a will.
Designate the foundation COLLÈGE BOURGET as the beneficiary of an RRSP
Naming the Fondation Collège Bourget as beneficiary of an RRSP, RRIF, insurance policy or pension plan.
Creating or participating in an endowment or long-term fund
An endowment fund is an investment fund in which the annual disbursements from the invested capital and/or income are used for current operations or other special purposes. Your estate includes many assets that are greater than the cash you have during your lifetime. Your gift, upon your death, would either create an endowment fund in your name or enrich an existing fund. This would ensure the continuity of your commitment to the Collège.
Creating a trust by will
A Living Trust provides for your spouse or family until their death. When the trust is no longer needed and matures, all or a portion of the principal can be transferred to the Fondation Collège Bourget.
Make a residual bequest
A gift of all or a percentage of what remains of the estate after payment of debts and specific bequests.
Make a universal bequest of all your assets
The bequest can also be divided among several beneficiaries, for example your loved ones and the Fondation Collège Bourget.
Planning to make a gift in your will to the Fondation Collège Bourget?
The Fondation Collège Bourget thanks you for supporting its mission and for your loyal support of our students.
Please note that this form does not represent a legal commitment and is intended to help us understand how you would like your gift to be used and acknowledged. In addition, it will help us plan your gift in your will after your death.
We will contact you to find out your wishes regarding your involvement with the Foundation and the students of the Collège. Rest assured that all information shared will remain confidential and that we will respect your wishes regarding the publication of your contribution to the Fondation Collège Bourget. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or at 450 451-0585.
There are two options for submitting this form:
1- Online, by filling out the interactive form below;
2- By mail, by printing the form below, filling it out and sending it to us at the following address
- The Fondation Collège Bourget
- 65, Saint-Pierre Street
- Rigaud (Quebec) J0P 1P0
- Canada
Letter of intent for a planned or deferred testamentary gift
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